South Africa’s most trusted directory for the PV Solar industry
Vetted verified listings only
As part of our strict screening process, all listing information certification and qualifications are vetted and will carry a verified badge. Clients making use of contractors, electrical engineers and wholesalers will have total overview of each listing throughout. Choose your next team with our verified database
Solar Training
Our-Solar–Hub takes pride in all our listed clients, we regularly send out information on upcoming training events happening throughout SA. We have partnered with preferred Training Academies and can assist with comprehensive course offerings in your area or online.
Solar Accreditation
Our-Solar-Hub is an online platform where contractor accreditation is transparent. Even though the AREP P4 is by far the fastest growing accreditation platform, PV green Card contractors have a substantial market share in SA. Choosing your solar contractor should be hassle free using our directory.
What We Offer
Detailed Listings
Each listing is detailed with data of each person, search by popularity and rating which makes the choosing of your solar expert easier and effortless process
Verified Data
Consumers now have a platform to see listing that have been verified, when we say its verified it means we have screened , confirmed and acknowledge our listings credentials
No business runs just on pure hard work, asthetics and visual representation is just as important as putting in the long hours. Get your resources in our resource hub
“Good Marketing makes a company look smart. Great Marketing makes the customer feel smart”
Our Verified Listings

Get Listed With Solar Hub Today!
Our Packages
Comprehensive packages to suit the needs of any PV Solar Practitioner in Southern Africa

R2 000 per year
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- Company name
- Company overview
- Cell
- Website backlink

R3 500 per year
- Logo
- Company name
- Company overview
- Cell
- Additional cell
- Website backlink
- Accreditations
- Your socials
- References
- Location
- Listing roulette feature

R4 500 per year
- Logo
- Company name
- Company overview
- Hours
- Additional email
- Cell
- Additional cell
- Website backlink
- Accreditations
- Your socials
- References
- Location
- Install pictures
- Home page feature
- Listing roulette feature

R7 500 per year
- Logo
- Company name
- Company overview
- Hours
- Additional email
- Cell
- Additional cell
- Website backlink
- Accreditations
- Your socials
- References
- Location
- Install pictures
- Home page feature
- Listing roulette feature
- Social media ads
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Heres what some had to say about us
“It’s about time that someone gets a directory together where the who’s who can see honest and professional companies”
“Our business has grown with the guidance of the solar-hub team, they are always looking to improve skill of the contractors”
“Die suksess van solar word bepaal deur die eerlikheid van die industrie leiers, die mense gee om en is goed met wat hul doen”